Sapphire Setup

How to set up your computer for work on Project #1:

  1. Install Python 3 
  2. Install Git
  3. Open Terminal or command prompt
  4. Type “pip3 install [command]” (or if that doesn’t work “pip install”) with the following commands:
    1. “django==1.11.7”
    2. “django-crispy-forms==1.7.0”
    3. “whitenoise==3.3.1”
    4. “dj-database-url==0.4.2”
  5. Navigate to where you want to put the project by typing “cd [path_to_location]” (to figure out where you currently are type “pwd” and hit enter. The terminal is organized the same way as your computer so if you are having trouble you can find these paths by opening explorer/finder finding where you want to put it, copying and pasting the path after “cd” and hitting enter)
  6. type “git clone”

How to launch the website:

  • open terminal or command prompt
  • open the project by typing “cd [path_to_project]/Sapphire-web/sapphire”
  • run the project by typing “python3 runserver” (or “python runserver if that doesn’t work”)


If you have any questions feel free to text us on Discord, and we would be happy to help!